“Kinder’s performance throughout is outstanding, mastering the narrative shifts with remarkable ease and conveying the expected, appropriate emotion and attitude based on her persona. Whether the subject is Patrick Swayze or Antonin Scalia, her words are articulate, pointed, and profound.” – Broadway World
“Charlotte Kinder [is] wonderful – an always engaging Rhode Island-based actor with a likable stage presence and a mastery of the show’s extended monologue.” –The Boston Globe
A Strong Constitution Yields a Dynamic Performance
An interview with actor Charlotte Kinder

(Submitted photo by Erin X. Smithers)
“What the Constitution Means to Me,” is a thought-provoking play written by Heidi Schreck. It reflects the impact of the U.S. Constitution on our individual lives and society as a whole. This is Schreck’s personal story as a teenager competing in Constitution debates interwoven with her perspective on how the Constitution has shaped her life, centering on women’s rights, personal autonomy and systemic inequalities. The play culminates in a debate format, inviting the audience to consider what the Constitution means to them. It’s a compelling examination of the ongoing struggle for justice and equality in America.
I was fortunate to interview Charlotte Kinder, the lead actor in the role of Heidi Schreck, Currently on Stage at the Wilbury Theatre Group in Providence. Charlotte is a native Rhode Islander, a graduate of the Bristol Old Vic Theatre School in the UK, and a member of the Actors’ Equity Association. As well as performing roles at The Wilbury Theatre Group, her credits include Trinity Rep, Gloucester Stage, Moonbox Productions, O.W.I (Bureau of Theater) and the Commonwealth Shakespeare Company.
Ida Zecco: What drew you to this play and what does it mean to you?
Charlotte Kinder: I think the first thing that drew me to it was Heidi’s humor, vulnerability, her heart and her family’s story. She was real and relatable for me in a script that included a mix of facts, reality and the burden she carried regarding her family’s history. Because I just had a baby, I was not planning on working on a production until after the first of the year, but this play caught me. I immediately identified with it. It was like putting on a great pair of jeans.
IZ: I saw the play last night. This is a monster script for any actor. What is your technique in digesting a script of this proportion?
CK: I agreed to take this role three weeks before going into rehearsal. I separated the script into three pages of memorization per day. I recorded three pages on my phone the night before, listened to them throughout the following day and then memorized them, like I would with a song. My brain kept saying, “There is no other option — we WILL learn this, and we WILL do it.”
IZ: From the outset of the play, the fourth wall disappears. Tell me about how you confront this role without the fourth wall.
CK: I love not having a fourth wall. I felt very comfortable. The foundation of my training is Shakespeare and his writing permits breaking the fourth wall, using the audience. Something comes alive in me. When I entered on opening night and said, “Hi, I’m Heidi,” the audience responded back, “Hi.” And it felt so real, comforting and connected. Every night I relish taking in the responses from everyone sitting out there in front of me. I love the spontaneous reactions from the audience, it is really fun.
IZ: Tell me about your experience at the Wilbury Theatre Group and with your director, Brian Lang.
CK: The vibe at the Wilbury is wonderful. I can’t say enough
good things about this theatre. I first met Brian Lang a few years back, when I was cast for “The Strange Undoing of Prudencia Hart” but life happened; I broke my ankle and was not able to appear in that production. So, when Brian cast me for this role, I felt safe with him as the director; especially with a script that was so authentic and vulnerable. Here, I am not only respected as an actor, but this theatre gets that you have a life. It is fiercely respectful of the balance between a personal life and working. I feel very much at home here.
IZ: Do you have a personal connection to this play?
CK: More and more connections come up every time I perform this play. What Heidi gets fired up about, I get fired up, too. When Heidi speaks about the women in her family, I thought about the women in my life and the sacrifices they made as mothers. Yes, I think a lot about my mother during this show.
IZ: At the end of the production, playing yourselves and not characters, you and Hayley Pezza (Teen Debater) asked each other questions to know more about each other. Why was this important? It could have ended with the debate.
CK: We all discussed what that was about. To me, much of the context of the play is about the Constitution and a debate about the Constitution. This was a moment in the play when we did not measure ourselves as citizens of the Constitution but communicating and regarding ourselves as human beings.
IZ: What do you want the audience to walk away with?
CK: I think I would like them to walk away with a deeper respect and honor for everyone’s humanity. We need to have mutual understanding and equality for everyone. I hope that men and women alike will feel like they have an equal place in the Constitution and in the world. I want people to look at each other and say, “I want to hear your story, and to honor and respect that story, no matter who you are or where you come from.”
IZ: Any last words you would like to add?
CK: I would like to add that doing this play without the support of my family would have been impossible. I have two young children at home. My husband, Ben, has been so supportive and there for all of us every minute of the day. I am so grateful to Ben. I could not have done it without him.

By Jacob Sahms
Over thirty-three acres of sprawling gardens, Bristol, Rhode Island’s Blithewold is known for its three-hundred species of trees and the historic mansion of Augustus Van Wickle, overlooking Narragansett Bay. But twenty years ago, at a Shakespearean performance, the sword fight that occurred on stage captured the attention of one young woman and drew her into conversation with the actors who had fenced back and forth across the stage.
Charlotte Kinder already had an inclination toward acting, thanks to parents who met through an after work theater, bringing to life classical works like Gilbert & Sullivan’s Pirates of Penzance. Kinder had seen the joy her parents experienced in those plays, thanks to video recordings she watched with her family in their living room later. Acting was always supported at home, even though her parents never knew that their children would end up professionally pursuing the arts, through plays, operas, and even animation. But Kinder’s mother thought her daughter needed a fall-back option, so Kinder’s time in Massachusetts’ Wheaton College was split between the theater and the education department, where her love for children grew.
After college, Kinder remembers a show that left her father in tears, acknowledging that acting was what she was called to do. But grad school applications weren’t immediately accepted, and for two years she worked outside of the theater while finding places to express her acting. She kept showing up in the theaters around New England, and one day, she saw Midsummer Night’s Dream with puppets created in Bristol, England, adding oxygen to her burning passion for acting. And when the opportunity presented itself, she auditioned at the Bristol Old Vic Theatre School, the same school where Daniel-Day Lewis, Jeremy Irons, Patrick Stewart, and Cary Grant once studied. Kim Durham, the head of International Course, kindly invited Kinder to tell her story and show her skills, and suddenly, the dream had life again.

“Kim made me feel like a person who mattered,” Kinder shared from her Warwick, RI, home. “It wasn’t about breaking you down or getting you to throw your guts on the floor but about finding yourself. The school was all about taking acting into your body, not just studying but dancing, singing, and vocal classes. It wasn’t just one method but creating a whole tool box.”
A year later, Kinder was back in Rhode Island, and three days later, her longtime boyfriend Ben proposed. See, this is a love story, about people, about acting, about the way that God ordained moments arrive sometimes when we least expect it. Ben was her first boyfriend, but after the eighth grade formal, Kinder dumped him in high school, and irregularly, unexpectedly, they remained friends for ten years. When she moved to England, their communication increased, and the distance somehow deepened who they were meant to be.
So the two friends married and now they’re expecting a baby girl, even as Kinder recovers from a broken ankle which disrupted her acting plans (she was replaced in a play that she’d been cast in) but showed her the way that the little moments still have great meaning. In fact, the opportunities to see God move aren’t just on stage or on the screen, because Kinder can’t be contained by a single adjective or role. God’s providence in the times in between acting opportunities created a moment when Kinder looked for something else, something relational and real to invest her time in, and she found Dorcas International Institute in Providence, RI.
In 2019, Dorcas helped 450 immigrants, and 970 refugees. Five of them were the family of a woman from the Congo who had persevered in immigrating in the midst of great difficulty. Now, Kinder is paired with her as a mentor, confidant, and partner in learning how to navigate American conveniences like Stop & Shop Grocery stores or the local branch of the DMV. Unlike moments where she’s playing a part on stage, Kinder found that growing in relationship with her new friend showed her a side of reality that informs her life, and change her heart for those who are underrepresented or even ignored.
“I was blessed to not have to be a waitress to support myself because of Ben’s work as an engineer,” Kinder remembered. “So to serve, I reached out to Dorcas. Initially, I was uncomfortable and nervous because when I visit, I’m the minority. I don’t speak Swahili. But to hear her story, to see how she immigrated to the U.S. because she saw what her future as a woman in the Congo looked like and saw it wasn’t what she wanted, I realize that those are stories I want to tell one day.”
“I’m leaning into what God puts on my plate, exploring what God is calling me to do on stage and off of it.”

There’s also that moment that’s off-stage but on-screen that has made a difference in Kinder’s life right now. Academy Award-winning director Greta Gerwig’s remake of Little Women, Louisa May Alcott’s renowned story of New England sisters who argue, support, and grow into their own place in the world, came to Boston, MA, for filming. The casting company reached out to the Shakespearean company that Kinder had just wrapped a theatrical performance for, searching for some actresses to play roles in a play within the film.
And Kinder, once turned aside for graduate work in acting like the film’s renowned director was once rejected from MFA programs, traveled up I-95 to audition. After reciting the two lines she’d been given for the read, Kinder was asked if she knew any more of the play, and she delivered a complete monologue [from Viola in 12th Night] which she was working on for the theater. Suddenly, the journey from Bristol, RI, to Bristol, UK, had brought her to where she dreamed she’d one day be.
“Walking onto the set, it was breathtaking,” Kinder recalled. “It was the first time on a movie set of that size and pedigree. It was overwhelming how many people were there, and yet they were all incredibly accommodating. I was sent to sit with Greta behind the monitor before our scene would be filmed, and I was able to see the way she saw the film.”
Gerwig called for take after take of a shot that Kinder says was solely reflecting Jo’s (Saoirse Ronan) face as she stares after Professor Bhaer (Louis Garrel) as he leaves the play. Kinder watched as Gerwig and her Lady Bird star Ronan discussed different elements aimed at recording the right shot. And then it was Kinder’s moment, having watched, having run her own lines during hair and makeup, having seen how Gerwig focused on the moments that expressed the opportunities for female identity and Christian faith to be expressed.
“Even in my scene [Act 3, Scene 1] , it’s clear that Greta chose that part of Twelfth Night on purpose, where Viola is pretending to be a man,” shared Kinder. “She chose this moment to highlight female identity discussion, as Viola says, ‘I am not what I am.’”
Kinder knows it was an amazing opportunity, bringing together several of her gifts – but not her fencing or singing abilities, yet – to help tell a story she and her sister loved as children, the 1994 version of Little Women. They watched as Jo (Winona Ryder) learned from Marmee (Susan Sarandon), especially those lessons about not letting the sun go down on their anger, taken straight from the Bible.
“Everything falls into place,” Kinder says, marveling at the ways that God worked through the ups and downs of her life and career. “God has carefully woven my path, and it’s incredible. At one point after college, I was trying to discern whether the only way to serve God was as an actor. I’ve thought about what it means if I act less, recognizing that my value isn’t in screen or stage time but in the Lord. And now, these opportunities are here.”
Right now, Charlotte Kinder is on-screen around the United States. Soon, she’ll be showing her daughter footage of her mom’s first big production role. But it’s not the only lesson Kinder has to hand down, because in all the myriad pieces that don’t look like they all fit snuggly now, she can see the movement of God drawing her to the place where she needs to be. Alongside her acting in a variety of ways and her ministry through Dorcas, she’s directing her church’s VBS and serving as an elder! One day, she’ll inspire someone to tell a story, to share their story. Maybe it’ll be after playing scenes from Little Women; maybe it’ll be after fencing on stage in the midst of a Shakespearean play.
No matter what, Charlotte Kinder is ready for what comes next.
Portsmouth High grad Charlotte Kinder talks ‘Little Women’ role
January 28, 2020 at 12:01 am
Come Oscar night, you’ll likely hear many people talking about the film “Little Women,” which stars Meryl Streep, Emma Watson and Bob Odenkirk and received six Academy Award nominations. Also appearing in the film is Portsmouth High School graduate Charlotte Kinder, who plays Viola in the adaptation of the Louisa May Alcott book. We caught up with the budding actress before the Academy Award ceremony on Feb. 9:
How did your role in “Little Women” come about?
Charlotte Kinder: CP Casting in Boston was casting locally for the film. They reached out to Jennie Israel of the Actors Shakespeare Company, with whom I had recently done a production of Julius Caesar. They were looking for a couple of young Shakespearean actresses, and Jennie recommended me. The role I auditioned for was an actress playing the part of Viola in a production of Twelfth Night, the very role I happened to be rehearsing for a stage production in Boston at the time. At the callback, when [writer and director] Greta Gerwig asked if I knew any more of Viola’s lines, I recited one of my favorite speeches from the play.
What was it like to be involved in a movie that includes so many A-List performers and has generated such positive buzz?
CK: It’s wonderful to be connected to a project that I’m proud of. I really enjoyed the film, and “Little Women” has always been a story that’s quite dear to me. While my experience on set was very brief, it certainly is exciting to be a part of something so big.
Any stories you’d be willing to share about your experience on set with these performers?
CK: Saoirse Ronan was lovely to chat with. I never thought I’d be the type to be star struck, but I definitely was! We were getting our hair and makeup done at the same time, and I just kept wondering “Can I say hi?” “Should I say hi?” “Is it inappropriate for me to initiate conversation with a celebrity?” Later on set, she approached me and we joked about the man makeup they’d put me in. She was sweet.
What’s your thoughts on being involved in a film that’s been nominated for a Best Picture Oscar, and what was it like to watch the nominations (assuming you did)?
CK: I’m really pleased it’s doing so well, and I’m not at all surprised it was nominated. The film has a huge heart, and Greta Gerwig put so much careful thought into every single detail. I think for such an old and retold story to receive an Oscar nomination shows how well this particular screenplay connects to modern audiences and speaks to the cultural moment we’re in.
Looking at your resume, you’ve mostly been involved in theater. How different was to be involved in a major motion picture?
CK: Aside from the fact that I was playing a stage actress in the film, it was a completely different experience. It takes so many people behind the scenes to make a film happen, even just to get a five-second shot. It’s also a lot of hurry up and wait. When I arrived, they got me right into hair and makeup and costume, but it was hours before they started shooting my scene. You also only get that day to get it right. In theatre, you rehearse for three or four weeks, and then perform it 30 or so times for an audience. You get lots of chances to develop and play with it. Here it was all about being prepared and pouring everything into those few takes, then it was over.
Are you hoping your role in “Little Women” will lead to more film opportunities, or would you prefer to focus on theater?
CK: I would love the chance to do more film. I really enjoy playing with the subtleties the camera picks up that get missed onstage. But given that there are more stage than film opportunities in the area, and I don’t plan on moving anytime soon, I will continue to hone my skills on the stage. There is just something so special about sharing a completely unique moment between actor and audience in a live theatre performance.
How did your education at Portsmouth High School prepare you for a career in the performing arts?
CK: I was blessed by a very supportive acting environment at PHS, where we did several shows a year and I could even take some theatre classes. I’m especially grateful for Gary Vaspol and Don Carrara, who mentored me and relentlessly encouraged me to continue exploring my passion for acting.